I mean just look at that, it’s enough to put anyone off their lunch. I think it was safe to say I wouldn’t be buying a box of these guys, uh uh – no way! The models didn’t seem terribly interesting and the colour-scheme used for the studio models has to rank amongst the most ghastly combinations they’ve ever come up with, which only served to put me off even further. Then GW launched the elf team and I found myself less excited still. I liked the concept but at time I wasn’t particularly enthused about Blood Bowl, and if I’m honest even less about filthy elves, so it looked likely that that would be that. Following the release of the 2016 edition of the game, but before the production of an official plastic elven team, many people used the Harlequin models from Warhammer 40k as able substitutes.

I’ve had this project in mind for ages, since way back before the Elven Union Blood Bowl team was even released in fact. I know I said that my next Blood Bowl project would be the humans (modified to make them feel a bit more “Warhammer” and a bit less like real world sportsmen) but I’ve only gone and been distracted by some elves.